Forensic Services Division Leadership
Adult Forensic Program will officially welcome Martha Parra to the position of Mental Health Program Manager II, effective Feb. 12. Ms. Parra will oversee Adult Forensic Programs STAR, CSTAR and RISES. 24-Hour and Emergency Services Division Leadership Julie Hale, LMFT, Senior Program Manager, is now the Acting Deputy Director, overseeing and supporting Crisis Stabilization Continuum of Care (CSCC), Community Crisis Services (CCRT), Diversion Services, Centralized Hospital Aftercare Services (CHAS), Crisis Intervention Training (CIT), FFS-Hospitals, and ARMC. Tina Entz, Program Manager II with CHAS, is now the Acting Senior Program Manager, providing division support and contract management for Crisis Residential Treatment (CRT), Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU), and Crisis Walk-In Center (CWIC) programs along with Fee-For-Service hospitals. Jennifer Pacheco, Program Manager I with CHAS, will be providing additional administrative and programmatic support to the CHAS continuum of care.
The first training, "Talking about Race and Racism with Clients: Challenge, Benefits & Strategies Fostering Meaningful Dialogue", will take place Feb. 7 from 10-11:30 a.m. On March 7, the next training titled "Overcoming Compassions Fatigue" will take place March 7 from 10-11:30 a.m. Learn more and register today by viewing the informational flyer.
Attention DBH Staff!
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