Self-care is more than bubble baths. The foundation of self-care is love. Think about all the ways in which we love others. We do things for them to their benefit. We value their health and happiness. We can include ourselves in this equation. Like the oxygen mask on an airplane, we must put the oxygen mask on first before attempting to help others. We are no good to anyone else if we are not well ourselves. We cannot pour from an empty cup.
It starts with valuing yourself. Then recognizing what energizes and re-charges you as well as what drains you. Finally, set limits and boundaries around those activities. Consider these areas when assessing your self-care: physical health, job satisfaction, financial security, spiritual health, recreation activities, and relationships. Schedule and protect the time necessary for these areas just like you would for a loved one’s doctor appointment. While considering ways to improve your own self-care, think outside the box and ask yourself simply; What do I enjoy? Foods, beverages, TV shows, books, activities, movies, crafts, hobbies, etc. What brings me joy? Family, friends, kids and pets invest your time here. For myself, I love good food, fresh produce and trying new meals. It is time consuming but is great self-care for me. Music is healing to me. I feel happy when watching classic 60s movies. I feel good getting sun on my face. Did you know that the sun helps brain function? When sunlight is received by the optic nerve, it decreases melatonin (the sleepy chemical) increasing alertness and improving cognition. Natural outdoor light is best but full spectrum light bulbs can be helpful. If you want to dig deeper into the areas of your life where you can improve self-care check out this tool called "The Wheel of Life". This tool, used by psychologists and life coaches, was developed in the 1960s by Paul J. Meyer the creator of the Success Motivation Institute. (link below). Catch you on the well side.
During this climate of disruption and worldwide pandemic I wanted to remind you of the many resources available to San Bernardino County employees.
Your mind and body are connected, therefore thoughts and feelings affect your overall well-being. Confidential help is available to address any challenges you are facing including stress reactions, relationships, depression, parenting, alcohol or drugs. No referral is needed to access mental health services. Please reach out if you have questions or are looking for additional resources. YOUR wellness matters. Blue Shield members LifeReferrals 24/7 Benefits 1-800-985-2405 access code: bsc For Kaiser Members 24/7 1-866-205-3595 A detailed list of mental health benefits can be found here: Additional resources for overall health are available through SB Countys My Health Matters. Check back often for posts related to Wellness Catch you on the well side! |
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