Your mind and body are connected, therefore thoughts and feelings affect your overall well-being. Confidential help is available to address and overcome any problem including stress, relationships, depression, parenting, alcohol and drugs, and more. No referral is needed to access mental health services.
Blue Shield members LifeReferrals 24/7 Benefits 1-800-985-2405 access code: bsc For Kaiser Members 24/7 1-866-205-3595
Have you ever heard of a “moving meditation?"
Whether it’s going for a stroll around your block, walking away from your desk during the work day, observing your surroundings at school, or feeling your feet in the sand at the beach, there’s no right or wrong way to do a moving meditation. While you’re moving, just bring a little intention and appreciation to the present moment. Watch how simply observing can inspire more calm, gratitude, and joy. 1. Look around, and notice what you see. Observe the variety of colors, shapes and textures, allowing yourself to just take it all in. Choose one thing that you enjoy looking at. Spend a moment to appreciate what you are seeing. 2. Now focus your awareness on sound. As you listen, notice what you hear in your environment. See if you can hear the sounds of nature... for example, the wind in the trees, birds chirping or the sound of running water. Take a moment to appreciate what you are hearing. 3. Using your sense of smell, notice any aromas or scents. Choose one, and spend a moment to appreciate what you are smelling. You can even get specific, identifying what it is that you enjoy about it. What did you notice during your walk? Mindfulness is all the rage! Did you know that meditation simply means “focused awareness”? Given that definition anything can be turned into meditation. Use this simple acronym: THRIVE and practice one or more of them to improve your brain health and increase your awareness of what is happening in the moment.
THRIVE T- Thankfulness H- Humor R- Rest I Inspiration V- Visualize E- Empathy Thankfulness- practice gratitude by finding 3 things you are grateful for every day. Humor- laughter is the best medicine and can instantly diffuse a stress response. Find something to laugh about or watch a funny video. Rest- getting enough sleep is important but so are brain breaks throughout the day. Step away from work and breath, laugh or visualize a calming place. Inspiration- Breath! Find a breathing technique that you like best. Try inhaling to the count of 4 and exhaling to the count of 6 or 8. Or try to picture blowing up a balloon with your exhale and inhaling that air back into your lungs. Visualize- Our mind works in images. Visualization is so powerful there is an entire industry devoted to it – Sports Psychology! Athletes visualize making the play and practice feeling the sensations associated with that success. Try imagining a scenario that you will be in and create the picture of how you want it to be. Empathy- most people have no problem feeling empathy for others but have you tried to give yourself the same kind of compassion? Imagine talking to yourself as you would a friend. Say kind and encouraging words to yourself, every cell in your body is listening. |
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