Resiliency: Bounce back from setbacks
Being resilient generally means that you’re able to adapt to hard times, to challenges, and to other sorts of adversity in life. When you encounter stress, trauma or tragedy, you can cope with adversity and keep functioning successfully, both psychologically and physically. When you have resilience, you’re able to tap into your inner strengths and rebound more quickly from a setback or challenge, whether it’s a job loss, an illness, a disaster, a tragedy, family or relationship problems, workplace and financial stressors, or the death of a loved one. In contrast, if you lack resilience, you’re more likely to dwell on problems, feel victimized, become overwhelmed, and turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as consuming too much caffeine, excessive drinking, compulsive spending or emotional eating. You may even be more inclined to develop mental health problems. Building your resiliency has health benefits too. People who cope with stress in a positive way tend to live longer, have lower rates of depression, and are more satisfied with their lives than people who do not handle stress well in difficult situations. Help yourself become more resilient Sadness, anger, and emotional pain are normal reactions to traumatic or adverse situations. However, resilient people have developed strategies to maintain their emotional balance, such as:
Help others become more resilient Throughout life people may feel their resilience diminish depending on their levels of stress. However, everyone can learn how to build their resilience, no matter what their age or background. You can help others become more resilient too.
Everyone has the capacity to build their resilience and learn more about developing effective ways to respond to adversity. For more tips on wellness please visit Catch you on the well side!
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