In times of uncertainty our emotions can roll like a roller coaster and we feel very out of control. Its been said that emotions are energy in motion. If we acknowledge them they will provide both insight and the ability to move through us rather than stick around. By understanding what emotions are and how they work we can master how to navigate them. Below are 3 steps to feeling empowered and controlling emotions particularly in times of uncertainty.
2. Next, your behavior is your choice. Emotions seem to have a mind of their own and show up without our consent. But, you still get to choose how to respond. In the absence of an imminent threat (a tiger attack) you can decide what to do with them. Once you establish immediate safety your brain can settle down out of a survival response and move into critical thinking. Only then can you think clearly to make choices. 3. Be here now. Emotions are messengers and anxiety is fear of the unknown which is future oriented. So, ground yourself in the present moment. What is happening right now? Do a body scan; do you need to eat, hydrate, stretch? Are you safe right now? Look at the time and date to orient yourself to the present. When you become aware of the present moment, anxiety dissipates. Over the next few weeks Wellness will be posting video tips on "Real-Time Tools for Self-Care". So check back often. In the meantime, if you'd like to know more about a wellness topic post a comment or send an email to [email protected]. Catch you on the well side!
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