Just 3 easy steps!
Whether you buy, rent or listen to the audiobook, you're invited to share your thoughts about the featured book. Don't forget to bring your lunch to enjoy, too! The Overbooked Club features:
MeetingStay tuned to find out which book will be featured in December! Then, come ready to share your thoughts at the meeting (date TBA). Please note, we will discuss the ending of the book so don't delay!
If you are a DBH employee, please note this meeting should be taken during your lunch period. Feel free to munch away at your lunch while we discuss the book. Join from the meeting link: TBA Join by meeting number: TBA For more information, email [email protected] or call (909) 386-9720. |
pREVIOUS bOOKSOctober's featured book: "Everything Here is Beautiful" by Mira T. Lee
November's featured book: "Maybe You Should Talk To Someone" by Lori Gottlieb |